Swimmers and paddlers. Join us for the famous Aldeburgh to Orford flotilla. A 5 mile swim or paddle (board / row / canoe / kayak) through an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). It’s a challenge, but all for a fantastic cause.
We aim to provide, preserve, maintain and improve river defences and flood protection, always taking into account the conservation and protection of the natural environment, features of historic interest and the landscape and beauty of the Alde and Ore.
The Alde and Ore estuary is a unique environment. The 44km of river walls provide a crucial defence against flooding, protecting local communities, homes and businesses. They also provide and protect a rich, natural and diverse habitat for an immense variety of flora and fauna.
In January 2023, the Environment Agency (EA) and the Regional Flood & Coastal Committee (RFCC) approved funding for the Upper Estuary and work has begun to raise, widen and strengthen the river walls. Once upgraded, these resilient river defences will be able to withstand a 1 in 75 year flood event (1.33% chance), even when overtopped. The EA will provide a grant for the Lower Estuary, but we need funds to bridge the gap between what the EA will give, and how much the Lower Estuary will cost.
Our flotilla will be match-funded, so your fundraising is important to help us to reach our target and to make this flotilla a resounding success. By entering our flotilla you can help to make a difference to preserve, improve and protect our estuary. Are you up for the challenge?