Read our Annual Report and Financial Statements

The Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 have been filed with the charity commission. Please take a little time to read the annual trustees report which provides all material information to the date of signing.

But as well as detailed financial information, the report contains a lot of interesting details on the progress of the whole endeavour. As you are aware, this is a whole estuary project and the review covers both Phase 1 and Phase 2 progress.

In Phase 1, we were delighted the ESWMB were awarded a grant of over £11million for this part of the estuary. This has allowed work to progress which includes detailed environmental assessments on how we can mitigate any environmental impact our work might have on the unique ecology in our estuary. At the same time the ESWMB have taken core samples to understand any construction constraints.

We have also started work on Phase 2. This involves working with the ESWMB to apply for grants from government and identifying challenges that we will have to overcome to get them. We can then specify any shortfall in funding this produces that we, the Trust, will have to make up from other sources and from the generous help from our supporters.

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Christmas Cards

Boats at Snape Maltings in Winter, photograph by Tony Pick.

We are delighted that The Aldeburgh Bookshop has once again organised the creation of two beautiful Christmas cards to support The AOET.

With special thanks to Tony Pick and Mary James, these cards will be available in packs of six for £6 at The Aldeburgh Bookshop, O&C Butcher, and Snape Maltings.

The Trustees are incredibly grateful for the community’s unwavering support and fundraising efforts, particularly through the sale of these Christmas cards.

If you would like to extend a Christmas contribution to The Alde & Ore Estuary Trust, please consider donating online at

Aldeburgh Christmas Collage, collage by Mary James.

Thank you for your continued support,